- Title: Robin
- Original artwork by Allison Leigh Smith
- Oil painting on canvas
- Painting: 12"x9"
- Frame size: 13"x10"x1.5"
- Silver finish metal frame.
- Painting of a robin perched in a berry bush in impressionistic style brush strokes.
- It is my goal to convey each animal’s personality by painting them in a way that connects them to the viewer, as I have felt connected. I think painting a wild animal in their natural habitat has been done, and has been done masterfully. Originality is important to me, so I combine a multitude of techniques at which I excel to the process of creating a piece. You will find evidence of the years I spent in textile design. Some paintings combine photography and digital manipulation either in the final product or hidden within the journey to completion. Often I combine written words, remnants of graffiti, or my grandfather's art of calligraphy - all to add a human connection to my subject. My ultimate goal is to share a very personal interpretation of the beauty and the vulnerability of the animals I have met and love.
Oil Painting | Original Art | 12x9 | Bird Art | Robin